Papers and others
2012: “Cold Formed S250GD+Z Steel Cross Section Profile for Timber Upgrading”. 14th International conference of Steel Research.
2011: “Steel Profiles for Repairing Deteriorated Timber Beam Ends”. Informes de la Construcción Vol. 63, nº 521 (2011) pp. 37-45, doi: 10.3989/ic.10.004 ISSN: 0020-0883.
2011: "Approaching an Emotional Learning Method (ELM) in Architecture teachings ". , Vol 187, Nº Extra_3 (2011) doi: 10.3989/arbor.2011.Extra-3n3154.
2011: "Approaching an Emotional Learning Method (ELM) in Architecture teachings ". September 26 - 28, 2011, Madrid, Spain. In: A. Fidalgo y M. L. Sein-Echaluce, eds., I International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Competitiveness. (CINAIC 2011), pp. 141-146.
2010: “Reinforcement wooden beams using metal profiles in the upper face”. Vol. 60, nº 298 (2010) pp. 123-135. doi: 10.3989/mc.2010.47408.
2008: “Bending reinforcement of wooden beams with steel cross sections” June 2008. Miyazaki, JAPAN. 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2008.
2011: "Burgos Cathedral Climate Control". . September 2011, No. 2130, p. 106-107.
2011: “Sustainable Rehabilitation in the Recovery of Timber Floors”. Nº 1. pp. 78-81.
2010: “Floors Repairing on the Upper Side”.Arte y cemento Nº 2117, pp. 64. ISSN 0212-8578.
2009: “Recovery Timber Floors through Reinforcements and Metal Prostheses”. Cercha, Consejo General de la Arquitectura Técnica de España. Nº 101. Octubre de 2009. pp. 76-81.
1997: “Standard for Installation of Concrete Tiles Sloping Deck”. UNE 127.100.
2012: Legal Architecture (1ª E D.) ML Editions. ISBN 978-84-89150-94-2.
2012: (3ª ed.) Editorial Munillalería. ISBN 978-84-89150-93-5.
2011: (2ª ed.) Editorial Mairea ISBN 978-84-92641-71-0.
2011: (1ª ed.) Editorial Mairea ISBN 978-84-92641-67-3
2017: Oral communication Simulation by FEM of the stresses in Hip Joint and its relation with the spinal column deviations. Influence on THA planning. June. HIP Congress of the Spanish Surgery Society. Palma de Mallorca. Spain.
2017: Oral communication “Stele Effect. Narcissism in Teaching”. International Conference Arquitectonics: Mind, Land, Society 2017, May 31st. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona.
2016: Oral communication “Stele, Venus, and Collision Effects. Personal Magnetic Spectrum Model. Emotional Diagnosis as Educational Innovation System in University Teaching for of Architectural Project Workshop. State of the Thesis”. June 15-16, 2013, Madrid. VIII Networks of Research in Educational Innovation at the National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain.
2015: “Hypothesis of Stele and Collision Effects in a Narcissistic Teaching Model; and Psychophysiological Record in Students, Provided by Emotional Learning Method (ELM)”. October 14 - 16, 2015, Madrid, Spain. International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Competitiveness (CINAIC 2015).
2015: “When the cathedrals were cold”. 25 February 2015, Madrid, Spain.Foro Clima (HVAC Fair of IFEMA).
2013: “Implications of Emotional Learning Method (ELM) in Adult University Education. Research Trends in Safety and Confidence in Architecture.”. November 6 - 8, 2013, Madrid, Spain. International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Competitiveness (CINAIC 2013).
2012: Oral communication, 12th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2012, “Reinforcement of Deteriorated Beam Ends with Steel Profiles and Simulated by FEM” July 2012, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
2011: Oral communication, 1st Ibero-LatinoAmericano Conference on Timber construction CIMAD 11, “Análisis delestado de tensiones en unions carpinteras de emplame de llave por el método de los elementos finitos” June 2011,Coimbra, Portugal.
2011: Oral Communication "Approaching an Emotional Learning Method (ELM) in Architecture teachings”. 26 to 28 September 2011, Madrid, Spain. International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Competitiveness (CINAIC 2011).
2011: Oral Communication, MESIC 2011. “Cold Formed Steel Cross Section Profile for Timber Upgrading” (MESIC 2011), Cádiz, Spain.
2010: Oral Communication, 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2010,” In situ non-destructive density estimation for the assessment of existing timber structures bending reinforcement of wooden beams with steel cross sections” May de 2010. Trentino, Italy.
2008: Oral Communication 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2008 “Bending reinforcement of wooden beams with steel cross sections” June 2008. Miyazaki, JAPAN.
2007: Oral Communication, III Iberoamerican Congress of forest products CIPF 2007, “Upgrading Wooden Structures in Ancient Buildings. Application of Reinforcement and Metal Prostheses on the Upper Side” July 2007. Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
2000: Oral Communication, 12th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference IBMaC 2000, “Contribution of Murfor Diagonal in Buckling of DCW Walls Tested in Spain” June 2000. Madrid, SPAIN.
2000: Oral Communication 12th Internacional Brick/Block Masonry Conference IBMaC 2000, “Tests in Capuchin Horizontal